If you haven’t experienced the sublime experience of sleeping on a Tempur-Pedic Mattress, you are seriously missing something in your life. When I was mattress shopping about a year ago, I was browsing through the super-expensive section of the store just to dream shop and check out fancy mattresses I could never afford. That’s when I discovered the Tempur-Pedic.
It was incredible.
I couldn’t get up.
One of the sales clerks had to ask me to move up because I was scaring off potential buyers with my snoring.
I trudged back downstairs to the regular mattress sales floor and tried to pick out one that was more in my price range. Call me dramatic, but I knew I would never lay on another mattress as good as the magical Tempur-Pedic. Unfortunately, 2099 was about a grand over my limit.
Many months and sleepless nights later, I discovered BigCityCloseouts.com and their amazing wholesale closeout merchandise. I found that they had the same mattress for $1200.99! I was so mad at myself for not considering merchandise closeouts sooner. I saved up my money and finally got the mattress of my dreams, for 57% off!
If there’s something you really want, whether it be a mattress or anything else, try looking at wholesale closeouts.